The last several days have been fairly intense in terms of processing through a new and very illuminating crit on Gift, and when I picked up my Bible study book last night, these words spoke right to the situation ….
Dear One, if you and I really start believing God, we will undoubtedly see His mighty acts as never before. I can testify that I have seen more explicit divine action in the past five years than in the sum total of many previous years. At times God has been so palpable that He nearly scared me to death. Perhaps you can relate as I share that I’ve spent most of my life pursuing God, and if I believe anything at all, I believe that He exists and is who He says He is. But every now and then for just a moment He does something that removes all doubt, and I find myself in near physical pain, wanting to cry out, “Woe is me!” I almost can’t handle the exposure.
My point? As we begin really believing God and He rewards us with various revelations of Himself or His activity, God forbid that we’d grow casual in a few years and forget what we have seen. When He appoints us to wait on Him in an important matter, God forbid that we’d return to our whining and complaining that He never does anything for us. I still have so much to learn about believing God, but of two things I’m certain: God means to be noticed, and God means to be remembered. If we receive surpassing revelations from Him and don’t prove grateful and mindful, I don’t think we’d be off base to imagine that we could end up in a future bondage exceeding any past bondage we have experienced. Praise God, He won’t break His covenant with us, and He will still hear us when we cry, but the meantime could be painful. Fair warning. Lest we ever forget it, responsibility accompanies revelation.
from the “Believing God” workbook, p. 160
I was having just such a “woe is me” moment–not jealousy, not unwillingness to actually do what God is revealing to me, but a sure knowledge that I alone am not enough for this task … and this completely leveled any temptation to complain. I am in a waiting season, and I must see it through … but this is not about me. It’s about knowing Him better, and bringing Him glory.
Waiting rots.
“It’s about knowing Him better, and bringing Him glory.”