A friend sent me the link to this YouTube video … a skit titled “Dancing With Jesus,” illustrating our struggle to maintain a relationship with God … I just had to share.
The first 3plus minute seem interminable. I wouldn’t have stuck it out if the song hadn’t been so cool. The last minute and a half are worth watching. The ending’s good. But man, you had to watch some awful interpretive mime/dancing to get there. Still, the ending is worth it. 😀 The last minute got me verklempt.
Goes to show how much a good song can do, too. A lot of the power comes from two particular images and the rise in emotion and power in the song. Then again, I get all worked up about some soundtracks. Music mixed with images–potent stuff.
Tamara says
Wow!! That was awesome! Thanks so much for not giving away the ending–that was the best part 🙂
Love ya!!
Anonymous says
Thanks for that shannon, I was so surprised how much it made me cry!
Mirtika says
The first 3plus minute seem interminable. I wouldn’t have stuck it out if the song hadn’t been so cool. The last minute and a half are worth watching. The ending’s good. But man, you had to watch some awful interpretive mime/dancing to get there. Still, the ending is worth it. 😀 The last minute got me verklempt.
Goes to show how much a good song can do, too. A lot of the power comes from two particular images and the rise in emotion and power in the song. Then again, I get all worked up about some soundtracks. Music mixed with images–potent stuff.