Happy November First! It’s the last day of the Christian SF/F blog tour, so if you’re interested in winning a free critique of five pages of your story or novel, or of one poem, please leave a comment telling me you’re interested. The winner will be announced on Friday, on Mir’s blog.
An interview with magazine editor Selena Thompson is at the blog of Rachel Marks, and Jason Joyner features an interview with the illustrious Mir, who is assistant editor. See yesterday’s post for the full list of participants.
On other fronts, today begins the November interview on the Christian Fandom email list, this time with Chris Walley, author of the science-fantasy series, Lamb Among the Stars. I finally located my copies of the first two books (I loaned them out!!) and so hope to read at least the first one in the next couple of weeks.
And on the personal front, things may be lightening up for me enough to start blogging regularly again … I’m thinking of sharing a bit of the heavy, awesome, but slightly weird spiritual stuff going on the last few weeks … except I’m kind of apprehensive about laying it all out here for everyone to see ….
E. Stephen Burnett says
Shannon, count me as among the interested. Might as well … I have three chapters of a new project hot off the press, experimenting with a new style, genre-hybrid, etc.
Hope life lightens up, even more, so we can see your new installments soon! …
Though it seems, despite the lightening life, as though the possibly pending “slightly weird spiritual stuff” will add some heavy material to these already-weighty pages. Just remember to lift with your legs, not your back.