In the interest of not ignoring sites that are lending me a bit of exposure, I’ve decided to do a weekly content review of both The Borrowed Book and Colonial Quills:
The Borrowed Book:
- Monday: YA fiction spotlight–Songstone
- Tuesday and Thursday: author Jim Krause
- Wednesday: Did You Know? 1800’s Coroner Files with a Dash of Fiction
- Friday and Saturday is a book giveaway, which I really should Twitter etc. about on the day …
- And today’s devotional, What Is Unseen. (To see the others I’ve written, use the search feature at the upper right, with the keyword “devotionals.”)
Colonial Quills:
- Monday: Thomas Jefferson’s Retreat
- Wednesday: Historic 1780 House on Mackinac Island
- Friday: Tea Party for debut author Lori Benton (coming soon to my blog!!) and 18th century release by Carla Gade
I have my first post on Colonial Quills coming up on Friday, August 16.
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