As if I didn’t have enough to do (where’s that yahoo emoticon with the rolling eyes and wibbling lips?), I agreed to post bi-weekly on a new team blog titled Speculative Faith. Check out my rather silly post (okay, it’s late and I only got 5 hours of sleep last night, again–it is NOT my fault!) which was supposed to be dated Thursday but because I’m on the East Coast and Stuart who built the blog is not, says Wednesday.
On a much more serious note, I ran across a link to this article by Peter Leithart, whose wife Noel hangs out with an online homeschooling community I’ve been part of for years. She’s a neat lady, knowledgeable and gracious and a licensed midwife for a few years now. They have an even larger family than I, and at least one grandbaby.
I’m a little overawed by the article (for those who think I run deep, you should check this out–I feel like a third grader next to this man), but I found some threads common to some of my other reading of late–like the contrast between Hebrew and Greek thought, in which one believes that the material world is inherently corrupt and evil, and that one must purge that influence to be properly spiritual, while the other believes that since the material world was made by God, it is good and not to be despised. (Guess which is which??)
His premise is (some of you will love this!) “Why Evangelicals Can’t Write.”
Rebecca says
Fantastic article! Thanks for linking to it. Another on a similar topic here: In God’s Image: Do Good People Make Good Art.
Rebecca says
A follow-up now that I’ve read the article (err, as much as the kids would let me). I think there’s something else most evangelicals are missing in their fiction – that’s an incarnational theology. I don’t understand (well, I do, but that’s another comment altogether) why a subtle strain of gnosticism has taken over, but it has. All things human are considered evil. Is anything evil apart from evil use? Was Christ truly human? Truly, fully human with the full range of emotions we all experience? If so (as I believe Scripture teaches) then our art should reflect this.
I won’t go on here, but it is something to think about. Thanks again, Shannon!