“Are you willing to walk any road that the One chooses for you?” Lukyan asked in a voice as soft as the rain.
“I’m willing to go where He sends me,” I said with conviction. “If He can use me for His purpose, there is nothing that would make me happier. I just want to know how long I’ll be here. If He would only tell me when I’ll be back with Mark and my children, then I could accept this.” The hint of a whine slipped into my voice.
Lukyan smiled. “To not know is then part of the gift you offer Him. It is where your obedience is tested.”
My shoulders slumped. He was right. Back home, I kept begging God to use me, to show me His purpose. But there were no answers that satisfied me. I suddenly saw how much of my service came with an “if.” I’ll support my husband if I feel loved and cherished. I’ll raise my children if I can feel fulfillment and respect. I’ll reach out to a friend if I can see results. And yes, I’ll even go through trials bravely–if I understand the purpose and value of them. Could I ever learn to walk a road that was not of my choosing, without even an explanation from God?
“How much do you trust His love?” Lukyan asked.
There it is, my favorite passage of Sharon Hinck’s first fantasy novel, The Restorer (p. 136-137). The passage that drove me to lay down the book as tears surged to my eyes, and make a hard, honest examination of my own recent life and motives. The passage that keeps resurfacing as the weeks roll on, and the principle that God has made me re-examine more times than I can count.
I believe this is the essence of good fiction—embedded truth that reaches out and grabs us by the throat, that somehow makes us a little better equipped to live our lives than before. The Restorer certainly did this for me—and Sharon tells a wonderful story with real, honest characters and wonderfully unique worldbuilding that lives and breathes in its own right.
Join us for the next three days as we discuss Sharon and her work …
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Hi, Shannon!
You made me cry. Thanks for sharing from your heart about part of the character’s journey that resonated for you.
I continue to struggle with this issue. I like to THINK I’m a willing servant of Christ – yet each day He gently unpeels my clutched fist to show me those things I won’t let go of…the “I’ll serve you IF” things.
May we both know His love more and more so that by His grace we can truly say, “I’ll follow You on any road You choose.”
Great passage to pull out here, Shannon. This is indeed the essence of good fiction. I think Sharon has done a wonderful job creating a character that is going to elicit strong empathy. Thank you for sharing how her story has touched you.
God Bless,
Daniel I Weaver
Those passages are some of my fav. too!
I loved your review of Sharon’s book. Okay, if you had a favorite passage in The Restorer, then I’m entitled to have a favorite passage in your post. {smile}
Here it is:
“The passage that drove me to lay down the book as tears surged to my eyes, and make a hard, honest examination of my own recent life and motives.”
I know as a writer that is exactly the impact I would want to have on my readers.
Thanks for sharing such an insightful review–
Thank you all for your kind comments!
Great posts, Shannon–all three you did for The Restorer.