Story, Lord. I don’t get it. Is it really just all about the story?
Here you made me a writer, and I’ve spent years now, studying story. Here I am reading Accelerant, and thinking … Haegan, poised on the edge of doubt and fear, longing to be released from his own calling … yet guarded unseen by two Deliverers. Why? Why Haegan? Why don’t the Deliverers just mete out divine judgment, and be done with it? Why the long, terrible, painful journey?
Why my own journey? Why do You choose fallible men to carry Your word and do Your will? Why do You continue to let us slash and hurt each other, disappoint each other, trample Your grace and spurn Your mercy, and yet … You love us? You choose us and draw us into Your kingdom, to have us do Your work and eventually make something of us?
I don’t get it. What’s the point? Why not torch the word into oblivion? It’s what we deserve.
And later—much later—I’m thinking about the propensity of life to set us up for heartbreak. Is that You? Just as we writers search for the great dramatic irony that fuels our stories, are You also building that into the story that is our lives?
… when I am weak, then I am strong …
… God’s light shines brightest in the darkness …
… after death, then resurrection …
… His loss, our gain …
… humble yourself, and He will exalt you …
Really, why? What is the point?
And He whispers to me, You don’t need to know that yet. Just trust.
I realize, maybe that IS the point. To trust. To walk. As I’ve said before, not the destination (at least not any that we perceive with our human minds as a destination, here on earth), but the journey.
Every step of the way toward the One who, as He told Abraham, “I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”
Because HE is the point. He is our destination.
And I guess that really is all I need in this moment.
OH so beautiful. And I'm so glad this story resonated with you (with at least SOMEONE haha). Love you, friend!!
Love you too, dear one!! And yes … it most definitely resonates. :'-)