Today’s dose of frivolity comes courtesy of my dear friend Ronie. Actually, it isn’t frivolous to count our blessings, which is the theme of this one …
1. A friend who has blessed me: just one??? very recently, hmmm … Pat Shelton
2. An unexpected gift: a basket full of Bath & Bodyworks products in one my favorite scents, without the person knowing what I like
3. A kind word shared with me recently: “thank you for being you!”
4. Something that makes me stop and praise God: the awesomeness of where I am in life right now … and the wonder of “amazing grace”
5. Something I’m looking forward to: ACFW conference
6. A particular part of me I’m pleased with: my long hair (my one physical vanity)
7. Something in my life that I wanted but never expected: a husband who truly thinks I’m beautiful
8. A place that moved/moves me: the Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia
9. One thing/person that always makes me smile: my youngest, Meeghan
10. Most recent “love note” from God: I’m thinking it took the form of a certain look and a kiss from my husband … 🙂
And in return I think I’ll tag … Rebecca Grabill, Becky Miller, and Mir Schultz.
Back to deeper waters tomorrow. Maybe.
Aww, I love your #10…and your hair is beautiful! Thanks for playing along!!
She tagged me? SHE TAGGED ME? Oh, no she didn’t.
Oh. Yes. She did. 😛
On my way to craft dazzling answers. Or at least ones that aren’t totally yawnsome.
Your 7 is my 7. And I love your 10.
I see I’ve been tagged. Well, well well.