It’s that time again, and this month we’re highlighting Kathy Tyers, author of the much-referred-to Christian “space opera” Firebird.
I already said a bit on my SpecFaith post a couple of weeks back, about how I found the book. I have to admit, the first time I read Firebird I did so more with an eye toward comparing Kathy’s concept of epsilon abilities to “the Gift” in my world. (I’m always afraid when I run across something similar that it’s going to render my stories redundant … and I promise, I came up with this idea before I read Firebird, or Marion Zimmer Bradley, or Katherine Kurtz … but I digress.)
Of course, I fell in love with Firebird and her world. I found the doomed not-romance between her and fellow wastling Corey compelling from the start—and how that plays into her growing relationship with Brennan. (Oh, yeah, I’m all about character development … but the techie stuff was interesting, too, and I totally related to Firebird’s horror of needles.)
At some point I joined Kathy’s Lady Firebird fangroup on Yahoo. We seem to discuss everything else BUT Kathy’s work, but Kathy herself does grace us occasionally with her lovely presence. Several people have asked what she’s doing these days—well, she went back to school in Vancouver, where she’s also guesting at V-Con in early October. She tells us that she is indeed at work on another SF novel.
I’m slow getting this up today … this will be our third week of homeschooling and I’m coming off of a particularly tiring weekend … but I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone else has to say the next few days. Please join us!
John J. Boyer
Valerie Comer
Bryan Davis
Beth Goddard (Beth is actually heading up the tour and beginning tomorrow will post an interview with Kathy!)
Rebecca Grabill
Leathel Grody
Karen Hancock
Elliot Hanowski
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Sharon Hinck
Pamela James
Jason Joyner
Tina Kulesa
Rachel Marks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Cheryl Russel
Mirtika Schultz
Stuart Stockton
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
There’s no such thing as a new idea. (As I tell myself when I begin hyperventilating every time I run across a book that sounds at all like my own work.)
Hahah–good reminder, Rebecca. Yep, I’m constantly freeking out when I see one of my ideas in someone else’s book. My policy is, as long as it has my special twist, I’m still OK.
I’m enjoying the read and think Tyers has done a credible job with the world building.
It’s all about the character development for me as well, so maybe that’s why I don’t generally enjoy science fiction. But I’m able to get past the techno babble because of the deep characters.