I find in my time away from blogging that another dear friend has nominated me for a “Rockin’ Girl Blogger” Award. How cute! And she’s tagged me for yet another meme, this one writing related.
1. What’s the one book or writing project you haven’t yet written but still hope to?
The entire series for The Gift of the Stranger. Not only do I have to write the rest of the stories, but I need to bring the ones I already have written up to the standard I envision for them. I’m not sure I’m grown up enough for that yet …
2. If you had one entire day in which to do nothing but read, what book would you start with?
Right this minute? the second volume in Lois Bujold’s The Sharing Knife duology. (It’s sitting on my bedside table, whispering sweetly to me …)
3. What was your first writing “instrument” (besides pen and paper)?
A vintage portable typewriter (“Skywriter”). Manual, of course.
4. What’s your best guess as to how many books you read in a month?
2-6, depending upon how busy I am.
5. What’s your favorite writing “machine” you’ve ever owned?
My laptop, which currently has a broken hinge and has to be propped to stay upright …
6. Think historical fiction: what’s your favorite time period in which to read?
Ummm, I love all historicals, depending upon how well-done they are, but probably medievals. No, wait, Regency. No, wait …
7. What’s the one book you remember most clearly from your youth (childhood or teens)?
The Black Stallion. And, all the Little House books. I loved them … read them over and over.
And now … who to tag?? Anyone who wants to play, I expect …
Since no one else seems to want to answer:
1. What’s the one book or writing project you haven’t yet written but still hope to?
Boy what a loaded question… um I’m limited to one? All right, fine… I think I’d like to try my hand with a certain co writer at writing about the reason Good Friday and Easter exist. It’s a litergy of sorts. But I wanted to take some different viewpoints… Pilate, Caiaphas, Judas, the Centurion… the people you don’t hear much from. A close second would be a film version of something from the Apocrypha (The Jewish War or the book of Judith) or Judges (the real one, not the series I’m writing)
2. If you had one entire day in which to do nothing but read, what book would you start with?
Hmm… probably catch up on the Harry Potter series, but I worry about getting bored real fast. Maybe the Priest Manga series. I could EASILY do that in a day and still have time for a couple of Robert Jordan tomes.
3. What was your first writing “instrument” (besides pen and paper)?
A AMD K6-2 with Wordperfect 6 for Windows. The Windows interface was hideous.
4. What’s your best guess as to how many books you read in a month?
Hmm… well, let’s see, I’m in the middle of one right now, and I completed “Samurai Excecutioner” and nearly finished another Manga. So, it depends on what I’m reading. I’ve been known to finish about eight trade comic books in one day. Let alone a month. But in a month? 1-6 standard mass markets. Longer if I don’t have enough time on my hands. (Which seems to be the case lately…)
5. What’s your favorite writing “machine” you’ve ever owned?
Treo 650/Dell Inspirion 5150.
6. Think historical fiction: what’s your favorite time period in which to read?
Hmm… that’s tough because I like different eras at different times. Right now, I’m reading the Apocrypha. I like medievals. But I’m not a true historical person so that’s tough to answer.
7. What’s the one book you remember most clearly from your youth (childhood or teens)?
Hmm… Two really stand out for childhood and teens: Zaanan which is actually NOT a bad read at all for Christian SF and kinda set the standard. They’re not terribly hard to find on Alibris. Read that when I was… seven or eight. First book I really remember reading. Then I started reading a lot of Classic Star Trek. Erm… let’s see, second one would be Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind. I would have had to have been in eighth grade. (I don’t recommend that to anyone, mind you…) Terry had me at the FIRST chapter. Of a 900+ page book. Then I started exploring Jordan, John Marco, and my favorite dark author Simon R. Green and then eventually Stephen King. I was reading this stuff at… what… 13? 14? Something like that.
And then imagine my surprise as Harry Potter stole on the scene and people were OFFENDED by that. BWHAHA! They evidently hadn’t read Goodkind as there was plenty to be offended about in his works. But the truth is, I didn’t have a desire to work magic. Didn’t have a desire to go hack someone up with my sword. So… obviously I don’t buy the “Harry Potter is teaching our children magic!” But what it did do is show me that I was different. And that I no longer fit into the Christian community or the official church positions on… a LOT of things. I started really thinking for myself at that point.
One other piece of fiction I have to mention, though not a book, was Final Fantasy Adventure for the Gameboy. My brother gave me that for my seventh or eighth birthday. And while I don’t have the original cartridge anymore (I curse the day I traded that off…) it was a story that just captivated me and I played that cartridge until I was sick of it. (The only other game I ever played that much was DOOM and Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger. And I broke off when I started having some rather nasty nightmares over it… still have it on my GBA, though.)
Okay… that’s probably a heck of a lot more than you wanted to know.
Awww pooey, you didn’t tag specific people?!? Just when I was up for a meme… 😉